In the third volume of the E.C. Segar Popeye Sundays, Popeye and company embark on a gothic adventure on the high seas!
Volume three centers around the epic Popeye adventure, “Plunder Island,” in which our endearing cast of characters takes to the high seas in search of buried treasure — but must contend with the ruthless Sea Hag and her strange sidekick, Alice the Goon. Steeped in shadow and gothic imagery, this tale is an atmospheric and suspenseful departure from the typical Popeye aesthetic — with a little screwball comedy thrown in for good measure. Also in this volume, Popeye proves to be a one-man wrecking crew on the gridiron, Wimpy tries his unsteady hand at duck shooting (uh-oh!), and the crew ride out to the Wild West town of Slither Creek on a rip-roaring gold-hunting expedition. Plus, contemporary Filipino cartoonist Bong Redila pens a lighthearted comic homage to the iconic, eerie duo headlining this volume.
An irresistible alchemy of slapstick humor, tender romance, and rags-to-riches fantasy, Elsie Crisler Segar’s newspaper comic strip, starring Popeye the sailor man, captivated readers of the Roaring Twenties and beyond. Fantagraphics is thrilled to bring Segar’s whimsical world back into print, collecting the complete Popeye Sunday stories in four gorgeous full-color volumes, each packaged in a die-cut slipcase.